If You Have Been Injured in an Accident, You Need to See Us at Villarreal

If you have suffered any sort of injury, wherever you were and whatever you were doing, you have certain rights under the law. You might have been in a car wreck. You could have had a slip and fall accident in the street or in a store.

slip and fall

You might have been in the street and a shingle blew off a roof and hit you. Accidents can happen anywhere and at any time here in Brownsville and throughout Cameron county. That is why they are called “accidents”. They are things that you could not have foreseen or controlled.

Whatever happened, you need to consult us at Villarreal Law Firm as injury lawyers in Brownsville, TX: be logical! It doesn’t even matter if you should think that the accident was your own fault. Many a time, we have had clients who thought that the accident that they had and from which they suffered an injury was their own fault, but this is often not the case.

This is why you need to consult us as injury lawyers in Brownsville, TX: be logical! When we say be logical, we mean that it is logical to consult us because we understand all of the ramifications of the law, and this includes many situations where we have had a client who thought the injury was as a result of something that they had done or not done, when in fact, the actual cause was not their fault at all. As a result, we have been able to recover huge sums of money in compensation for clients who thought that they would never get a cent! So, it makes sense to be logical!

A Contingency Basis

Furthermore, we work on a contingency basis. What that means to you is that we will fight your case for you, and it won’t cost you anything whatsoever unless, or until, we obtain the right amount of compensation for you that the law says you deserve. So, if you stop to think about it for a second, you cannot possibly lose. You can only win! That is yet another reason why we say that you need to consult us as injury lawyers in Brownsville, TX: be logical!

Let’s face it: if you cannot lose, it is only logical that you should seek our help and expertise. You could stand to gain a considerable amount of money in compensation for your injuries, but if you never make an appointment to see us you will never know!

So, don’t hesitate. Pick up that phone and contact our team of top-rated Brownsville lawyers, right away!

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