If English Is Not Your First Language, at Villarreal Te Tenemos Cubierto
Everywhere you go in the Rio Grande Valley you see the words “Se Habla Español”, and at Villarreal Law Firm we are no exception. Our team of attorneys, paralegals, and other staff, are all 100% bilingual in English and Spanish.
If You Have Been in an Accident, a Brownsville Attorney Will See You for Free
Have you been in a traffic accident, especially one that was not your fault? If so, you might need Brownsville traffic accident lawyers, particularly if there are injuries. This is because, if you have been injured, you will be due for compensation, and that compensation has to be paid by the other party’s insurance company.
We Seem to Be Getting More Car and Truck Wrecks in Brownsville
Is it just us or is the traffic in Brownsville worse than ever? It seems like everyone is in a hurry. It seems as though there are more car and truck accidents on the streets. But maybe we are biased? As one of the top-rated law firms in Brownsville for personal injury, we are getting […]
Things That You Should Do After a Car Wreck in the RGV
If you drive in the Rio Grande Valley, one of the things that you need to know is what to do after an accident. Unfortunately, we get more than our fair share of car wrecks here, and obviously the first thing to do is to take care of yourself and any passengers.
If You Have Been Injured in a Road Accident in Brownsville You May Need to See an Attorney
There are many posts about what to do after a car accident. A lot of this is self-evident. Keep safe. Help yourself, your passengers, and even the folks in the other vehicle. Call the police and/or ambulance if necessary. The immediate thing is to take care of people.
The Second Thing You Need to Do After a Car Wreck Is Important
We all hope that it never happens to us, but the fact is that car accidents in Brownsville and the wider RGV do happen, and they can happen to anyone. If you are involved in a car accident here, the first thing to do is obviously to make certain that you and your passengers, and […]
Christmas Is Coming up, and There Are More Car Wrecks Now
There are more car wrecks in Brownsville during the holiday season, and as we have Christmas coming up it is likely that there will be more cars and trucks on the roads. Unfortunately, that means that more people will be injured in car wrecks in Cameron County, and if it happens to you then you […]
When You Use a Lawyer After a Car Wreck in Texas, It Can Make a Huge Difference
People often use short words rather than long words. “Car” vs. “automobile.” “Brownsville” vs. “Cameron County.” Regardless, what matters are the facts and the law. The fact is that there are a lot of automobile accidents in Cameron County, and if you have been involved in one, you need specialist help.
The RGV (Rio Grande Valley) Has More than its Share of Trucking Accidents and Wrecks
The RGV is one of those places on earth that, until you see it, you just don’t “get” it. It’s beautiful. The people are awesome. We love the mix of cultures. But, unfortunately, it has more than its share of traffic accidents. That’s partly because we have more trucks than in other places, with all […]
Cameron County Is Big, and Many People Suffer Personal Injuries
Cameron County is big. It covers 1,275 square miles and has a population of 425,000. That’s a lot of area and a lot of people. It is also the reason why there are a lot of personal injuries that occur on almost a daily basis.