The truck traffic to and from the Mexican border often centers around Valley International Airport. Air transport is a key part of the US / Mexico trade relationship. But all that truck traffic to and from the airport means more trucking accidents, and a greater need for a truck accident attorney in Harlingen, Texas, and the environs.
Unfortunately, those big semis and other trucks are huge beasts and can weigh as much as 80,000 pounds when fully loaded. If something that heavy hits your car, even if it is only moving slowly, it can cause a huge amount of damage. Even if your car is written off in a trucking accident, if you escape without serious injury you can think yourself lucky.
It is sad to say, but truck accidents result in serious injuries more often than not, simply because of the size and weight of the trucks. This is why you need a truck accident attorney in Harlingen, Texas, if you have been injured, because there can be a lot of money involved.
Insurance Companies Do NOT Like To Pay Out!
What you need to understand is that insurance companies do NOT like to pay out – no matter what they say in their ads – because it is a very simple equation. The less they pay out, the more profit they make at the end of the year. Ideally, they would like to rake in millions in premiums and pay out nothing at all. That would be insurance heaven for them.
So the plain facts are that, if you have been injured in a trucking accident, the insurance company for the truck owners and driver will fight to keep your claim to the minimum. They employ a team of very expensive lawyers for exactly that purpose. Even though the lawyers are expensive, if they save the insurance company more than it pays the lawyers, they are winning. It’s trebles all round at the annual Christmas dinner and dance.
That is exactly why you need a truck accident lawyer in Harlingen, Texas, if you have been injured in a trucking accident. At Villarreal Law Firm we are not physically in Harlingen: we are in Brownsville, but we are known throughout South Texas – and further afield – as the experts when it comes to taking on the insurance company lawyers at their own game. Heck, over the last few years we have recovered over half a billion dollars for clients who have been injured through no fault of their own.
We can do the same for you. We offer a completely free consultation. So make an appointment to come and see us – or we’ll come to you if you wish – and let’s make certain that you get every last cent that is due to you.