Trucks are usually commercial vehicles, and so they carry commercial insurance and have the powerful backing of big companies and insurance companies. So the “heft” of a truck extends to more than its real-world weight.
You need the “heft” of trucking accident lawyers in Harlingen to protect your rights if you have been involved in an accident with a truck that wasn’t your fault.
Unfortunately, because trucks can be so big – think 18-wheelers – they can do a considerable amount of damage. If you get hit by another car, that can be bad enough, but at least it is around the same size as yours. If you get hit by a truck, that can weigh up to 40 tons compared with a couple of tons or so for your car. So the resultant damage can be immense.
Of course, any car wreck can cause injury or even death, but severe injury is much more likely in a trucking accident. People can often be reduced to living in a wheelchair and needing 24-hour care. Naturally, that costs money, and if the truck driver is at fault, it is the insurance company of the business that owns the truck that should pay for it.
Insurance Companies Are Unwilling To Part With Money
However, insurance companies are notoriously unwilling to part with money, despite the fact that they spend a small fortune advertising on TV about how caring they are. Some of their advertising almost makes it seem as though they are doing us a favor by taking our premiums and being there to look after us if things go wrong.
However, that is not the purpose of any insurance company. They are in business for a profit, which is fair enough, but in their case, they make a profit by raking in as much as they can in premiums and paying out as little as possible in claims.
If you own a business such as a retail store, you provide goods at a specified price. But you can’t start negotiating with the customer and only giving him, say, half the product, after he has paid for it. Yet that is what insurance companies do! As soon as it comes to pay out time, they try to find all sorts of reasons to reduce your claim. You wouldn’t retain a team of Texas lawyers to argue that you should only let a customer have half the product he has paid for in your store, yet the insurance companies do pretty much the same thing.
This is why you need trucking accident lawyers in Harlingen, Texas, in the case of a wreck. At Villarreal Law Firm, we are the leading trucking accident lawyers in Harlingen, even though we are actually located in Brownsville. We provide a completely free consult, so call us for an appointment in our office, or if you prefer, we will visit you.