Auto Claims Issues Shouldn’t be Handled Alone

Dealing with one insurance adjustor after a car accident can be a struggle for Texas residents who try to handle the problem independently. 

Image of a gavel and document on personal injury in Brownsville, Texas.

But it can be overwhelming when auto claims issues involve multiple insurance companies.  For instance, maybe you thought your insurance carrier was the “good guy.” They sent the monthly car insurance bill, and you paid it.  When it was time for them to pay your claim after a car accident, the payment could have been more straightforward.  They are eager to settle, but only at an amount that won’t cover the expenses. 

What then?  You could contact the other driver’s insurance company.  They can help cover the rest of the costs.  Without a specialized accident attorney?  You’re lucky if they return your call.  And if the car insurance adjustor agrees to any compensation, it will be disappointing. 

No matter whose car insurance company it is, after an accident, the adjustor’s loyalty is to their employer.  And paying out big claims is outside the business plan.  That’s why it’s best to contact a top personal injury attorney in the RGV before trying to manage auto claims issues alone. 

The price is too high to volley between insurance adjusters

Remember, this is a game for insurance companies; the injured driver is the ball.  Insurance claims adjusters will toss that claimant back and forth, hoping at some point, the injured person gives up or the other side handles it.  They will do everything to reduce or deny a personal injury claim.  Here are a few standard excuses by insurance companies:

  • The injured driver was a fault.
  • They didn’t get medical attention right away.
  • The claimant has a pre-existing condition.
  • The car damages are minimal.
  • The claimant’s car was in bad condition and caused the auto accident.

The first thing to do is stop trying to handle this alone.  The goal of an insurance company is to wear claimants down so they will accept any low-ball offer.  Only a professional car crash lawyer can approach auto claim issues successfully. If you’ve been in a car crash in South Texas, including McAllen, Brownsville, or Harlingen, it’s best that you take the time to recover while we handle the insurance company’s excuses. 

Javier Villarreal gives insurance representatives an “attitude adjustment”

Whether the title is claims adjustor, claims specialist, or something else, they believe to be in charge of the outcome.  After a few calls from the claimant, an insurance adjustor may even sound annoyed.  This attitude can feel unsettling and discouraging to someone suffering from injuries after a car accident.  The good news is an insurance rep’s attitude quickly changes after a discussion with a South Texas attorney. Fighting for injury accident victims in Brownsville, Javier Villarreal clarifies they can’t treat a car crash victim like a nuisance.  That person deserves compensation for their injuries, and fair damages must be paid.  This goes for all the insurance companies involved.

If you’re wondering what JV Law’s experience is in getting South Texas citizens fair compensation after auto accidents, review the firm’s verdicts page .

Although there are commonalities to car crashes in the Rio Grande Valley, final payments will vary based on individual cases. It could be a truck vs. motorcycle crash at Interstate 2 and U.S. 83 near Weslaco.  Or a fender between several big rigs and cars around 69C and U.S. 281 near Brownsville.  Or a truck jack knifes across the U.S. 77 near Harlingen.  The number of vehicles, injuries, and damages all affect the final settlement. 

We’ve heard all the excuses adjustors give to not honor auto claims issues.  And they should be rejected.  Don’t allow insurance adjustors to toss you around and contact us ( We’ll put the ball in your court and help win fair compensation after a car accident in South Texas. 

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