Many people are afraid to use a car crash lawyer here in Cameron County because they believe that we are horrendously expensive and they don’t understand the concept of contingency pricing.
Basically, it works like this: we don’t charge you any fees unless we win your case. Simple. We only charge you a fee which we will agree beforehand when we win the case for you. So if you have been in a car crash and been injured and it wasn’t your fault it won’t cost you a cent if we don’t win, so there is no risk to you whatsoever.
When you need a car crash lawyer in Cameron County because you have suffered injuries that were not your fault, you should not even talk to the insurance company that represents the other party or parties. You should come and talk to us at Javier Villarreal Law Firm first. All that the insurance company will do is to try to talk you out of claiming compensation, or at the very best offer you far less than you should rightfully receive. Bear in mind that we have a LOT of experience in this area, as personal injury claims are all that we do. We are not a “jack of all trades” attorney, but specialists in this one single area. Furthermore, over the years we have built up a list of over 10,000 very satisfied clients who have suffered injuries that were not their own fault, and we would be delighted to add you to that list.
You Can’t Fight Insurance Companies On Your Own
In addition, you cannot fight an insurance company on your own. They employ very expensive lawyers to fight claims on their behalf. It makes sense for them to do that. If they should pay you – say – $100,000, and their lawyers manage to reduce that figure to half – $50,000 – and the lawyers charge them $25,000 for their services, the insurance company has just saved $25,000. So, for the insurance company and for their lawyers it’s trebles all round!
Meanwhile, you just lost $50,000!
Now you can see why it makes sense to have a car crash lawyer in Cameron County – in this case Javier Villarreal Law Firm – on your side to fight them. Furthermore, by instructing us to fight the case on your behalf, you cannot lose. You can only win.
So, at the risk of repeating ourselves, if you have been injured in a car wreck that wasn’t your fault, the first thing that you should do is come and talk to us. You can come to our offices, or if you prefer, we will send one of our top attorneys out to visit you at your convenience.