Insurance Companies Hate to Pay Out, Despite the Way They Advertise
What is an accident? It is an unforeseen event. Not planned, but not necessarily truly unexpected. We all know when we get into a car that we might have an accident. That is why Texas law requires us to have automobile insurance. It means that if the accident is our fault, our insurance company will […]
If You Have Suffered an Accident You May Need an Accident Attorney
McAllen, Harlingen, and Brownsville are the three population centers down here in the Rio Grande Valley. Unfortunately, all three have car and truck accidents, with Harlingen probably the worst because of the airport and the constant traffic to and from it.
If You Are In a Car Wreck in Harlingen You Need a Harlingen Accident Lawyer
Harlingen is on the cross-roads. Not just the airport, but major highways. People often go “thru” Harlingen and sometimes (unfortunately) don’t get all the way through, because they have a car wreck on the way.
If You Are In an Accident in the Valley, The Insurance Company Will Fight You
Accidents happen throughout the Rio Grande Valley. Not just car wrecks, but trucking accidents, slip and falls, boat accidents, animal attacks – all sorts of accidents. That’s predictable. What else is predictable?
If You Have a Traffic Accident, the Best RGV Lawyers May be at the Villarreal Law Firm
When Ruth Bader Ginsburg died, RBG trended on Twitter. Whatever your opinion of her judicial philosophy, she was a major historical figure and force on the Court. RBG became a set of three letters that folks really gravitated towards. (Her name was actually Joan Ruth Bader Ginsburg, but somewhere along the line she dropped the […]
Not Every Driver in the RGV Is Good. Some Are Really Terrible
We LOVE the RGV! It’s the best place to live, not just in Texas but maybe in all of North America. The nature. The border. The people. It’s an amazing place to live. A lot of other folks love it too, but unfortunately some of them are not very good drivers! So we have more […]
There Are More Than Average Trucking Accidents in Texas
Texas is a big state with wide, open spaces and lots of highways and byways. Sadly, we have more than our fair share of trucking accidents in Texas. We know that right here in South Texas, there are more than a few trucking accidents near and around Harlingen and Valley International Airport. There are also […]
You Need an Attorney if You Are Injured in an 18-Wheeler Wreck
Many huge trucks go by the slang name, “18-wheeler.” If you see a big truck, try counting the wheels as they roll by. Don’t miss the long axles in the center of the truck, as sometimes those have not four but six wheels.
Christmas Is Coming up, and There Are More Car Wrecks Now
There are more car wrecks in Brownsville during the holiday season, and as we have Christmas coming up it is likely that there will be more cars and trucks on the roads. Unfortunately, that means that more people will be injured in car wrecks in Cameron County, and if it happens to you then you […]
If You Have Been Involved in a Car Wreck, You Need a Brownsville Personal Injury Law Firm
There are a lot of law firms in Brownsville, Texas. All sorts of legal specialties. At Villarreal Law Firm we specialize not just in personal injury law but in road accidents – specifically car and trucking accidents.